The CBA Staff Family

The Columbus Baptist Association is blessed to have faithful servants of the Lord to guide the work of resourcing local churches. Each staff member, and a multitude of volunteers, help to carry out the vision and mission of the CBA. We thank the Lord for our staff and their families.

Photo of Jimmy Blanton family

The Blanton Family

Jimmy Blanton

Associational Missionary

From twenty-two years of pastoral ministry in the farming communities of the County Seat, to the First Baptist Church, Jimmy Blanton has been prepared by God to lead the Columbus Baptist Association in fulfilling God’s purpose in assisting churches and fulfilling Acts 1:8.  Since August 1, 1995, Blanton has enjoyed the honor and privilege of serving the Lord and the sister churches of the Columbus Baptist Association.

His home town is Opelika, AL where he grew up in church but did not come to know the Lord Jesus in a personal experience until two weeks before high school graduation. Three days later God called him to preach and within a two-year period of preaching revivals and attending school,

God had placed His call upon his heart to serve in associational mission work. Blanton was ordained by the Providence Baptist Church in Opelika and has served churches in Alabama and Georgia with his education coming through Mobile College and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary.

Blanton has experienced the power and the supernatural provisions of God over the last seven years through the Mission Columbus Central project that he knows that Eph. 3:20-21 is a reality when you follow God’s direction and become totally dependent upon God: “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him (be) glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”

David Lix Family Photo

David Lix

Hillcrest Ministry Resource Center Missionary

David Lix has served as the Hillcrest Ministry Resource Center Missionary since September 2014. David was called to the ministry in the summer of 1986.  He has served various churches as Youth Minister for 16 years and Pastor for 17 years. As of May 2023, he has served in a full-time capacity with CBA as the Ministry Resource Director.

David was born in Colorado and raised in Missouri.   David has been married to Lorrie for 35 years and they have one daughter.    David has a B.S. in Theology from Beacon University and a Biblical Counseling Certificate.  

Randy & Lisa Dawson Photo

Lisa Dawson

Ministry Assistant

Lisa Dawson has served as the Columbus Baptist Association Ministry Assistant since May of 2004.   Lisa and her family moved to Columbus in 1998 from Florida.   She is married to Randy and is mother of two daughters, two son-in-laws and is the Nana to two grandsons and four granddaughters.  Lisa and Randy are members of Wynnbrook Baptist Church where they lead a Special Needs Ministry for adults.   Lisa also serves as the director for Christian Women’s/Men’s Job Corps of Greater Columbus.   
She enjoys reading, and spending time with her family.  Her life scripture verse is Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”