Building Reservation Application

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Notice: Event is not calendered until approved by the Staff.

Enter a valid email
Enter a valid phone #
Your Church's Pastor's Name
Are You the Main Contact Person for This Event?
Your Address or Church Address

Your Booking

Please enter your event information below.
Date / Time of Activity
Enter how many days you desire to reserve the room.
**No weddings, or wedding events will be permitted.**
**Food may be served, however, social distancing must be maintained.**

(Limited to 6 hours total usage)

In order for us to prepare for your coming, the time you enter here will be the EARLIEST ACCESS you'll have to the building. (NO EARLIER than 8 a.m.)

Please factor in the time you will need for setup. This set time will insure that our security personnel is present and that our staff members will not interfere with your event.
The time you enter here is the time you agree to LEAVE THE BUILDING after concluding your event and fulfilling all details of the agreement sheet. This should be no more than six hours from your arrival time. This time can be NO LATER than 9 p.m. which is strictly enforced. If the group remains in the building after 9 p.m. their entire deposit of $150.00 will be forfeited and an additional $200 will be charged.
Clear Signature

Rooms & Items Requested

Which Rooms Do You Desire?
Selet Desired Rentals
Audio Visual Equipment Needed
**If requesting the CBA sound equipment, including microphones, DVD/TV, please note letter l on Use of Columbus Baptist Association form. Thank you.
Selected Value: 0
Selected Value: 0

Setup Notification

Your group is responsible for setting up for your activity and cleaning up afterwards, which includes complete sanitation of all surfaces used (touched). This would also include vacuuming, (including all hallways) carrying all trash to the outside dumpster etc. You are also responsible for resetting the room for the church service which will be held on Sunday morning. Please place the extra chairs one line deep against the walls without stacking. If the kitchen is used in any manner there is an additional non-refundable $50.00 deposit. Your deposit of $150.00 per day will be held until the completion of the event. If all procedures have been followed the deposit will be returned to you the week following your event. Your event will be placed on the calendar upon approval of the CBA staff and receipt of this deposit.

"**The Columbus Baptist Association reserves the right to cancel your event if COVID 19 cases begin to increase. In the event of this cancellation, your full deposit would be refunded to you.**

Terms & Conditions of Use of Columbus Baptist Association

The Columbus Baptist Association building is available to associational organizations and churches. This facility is also opened to other denominations and agencies as well as approved community organizations and individuals for social events. (i.e. Pastor Anniversary, Birthday Parties, Baby Showers, etc. No weddings or wedding events are permitted.) We do request that there be no charge by any group using the facility for any event held at the Columbus Baptist Association building. A deposit per day of $150.00 will be held until the completion of the event. Following your event that deposit will be returned to you within the next week as long as all policies and procedures have been followed. Your event will be placed on the calendar upon approval of the Columbus Baptist Staff and receipt of this deposit. The Columbus Baptist Association reserves the right to cancel your event if COVID-19 cases begin to increase.

During the week prior to your event the AMA will contact you to verify the time to have the building unlocked. If you wish to change the time to have the building open, this must be arranged with the AMA by the Thursday prior to your event by 5PM.

The Associational Ministry Assistant (AMA) is responsible for handling the calendar for scheduling and use of the building dependent on staff approval. Please click the "I Agree" box on each line, in order to show you have read and agree with the terms.

  1. ➤ Requests for use of the building should be made through the AMA at least 30 days in advance of the event.
  2. ➤ The person that reserved the building (on the contract) must be present when opening the building.
  3. ➤ The CBA will provide a person who will be required to be at the building at all times during your scheduled use of the building. The person using the building (on the contract) will be responsible for paying this personnel $25.00 per hour for each hour the building is occupied. This payment is to be made in cash/check to the personnel not the CBA upon arrival for the event. (If your event goes over this scheduled time you will be responsible for paying this person $12.50 for any portion of the first half hour over and $12.50 for any portion of the second half hour over the schedule time.
  4. The person making the request to reserve a room will be advised:
    1. ➤ If requesting any use of the kitchen, there will be a nonrefundable $50.00 deposit required.
    2. ➤ Groups using the facility are responsible for setting up for their event, including tables and chairs.
    3. ➤ **At this time, capacity in the room is 35 at all times. Chairs and tables must be placed at least 6 feet apart (Subject to change as COVID changes)
    4. ➤ The group using the facility must use sanitation spray and cleaner to ensure that the facility is completely sanitized. This includes tables, all door knobs, restrooms, etc. touched by any guest.
    5. ➤ Face coverings are suggested by all hosts and guests. The ONLY exception is the speaker/host when speaking
    6. ➤ The group using the facility must dispose of garbage and disposable items. Bag all trash, including restrooms, and place it in the dumpster for garbage pick-up.PLEASE TAKE TRASH OUT THE SIDE DOOR CLOSEST TO THE KITCHEN. If the trash is taken down the hall and the carpet is stained, your party will be responsible for cleaning or replacing the carpet.
    7. ➤ Groups using the facility are responsible for arranging and returning it as pictured in the Use of Facility Notebook, including vacuuming (including hallway).
    8. ➤ Please schedule enough time for set up and any decorating of the facility prior to the event.
    9. ➤ If there is a time between decorating and the event, the person reserving the use will need to arrange for someone to be on the premises at all times until the completion of the event.
    10. ➤ If a group is using the building for multiple days and the building is not left in satisfactory condition after the first day, the Association has the authority to notify the group that they are not to use the building for the days remaining.
    11. ➤ If a group will be using the CBA sound equipment (including the microphones), DVD/TV, it is required that the building coordinator on site operate the system.
    12. ➤ If a group will be using the CBA sound equipment (including the microphones), DVD/TV, it is required that the building coordinator on site operate the system.
    13. ➤ Music, Lyrics and all other activities in this building are to be that which will honor God. In consideration of our neighbors we ask that music is kept at a moderate level. There will be NO dancing as this is a place of worship.
    14. ➤ There will be NO use of alcoholic beverages on the property.
    15. ➤ If you are using the name of the Columbus Baptist Association in your advertising we ask that you please state that your event “will be held on the Columbus Baptist Association campus” so as not confuse the public that we are sponsoring your event.
    16. ➤ The property is to be cleared by all members of the party (including those responsible for cleaning up) no later than 9:00PM. which is strictly enforced. If the group remains in the building after 9PM their entire deposit of $150.00 will be forfeited and an additional $200 will be charged.
    17. ➤ To ensure that we meet fire code, those attending your event MUST park in MARKED PARKING SPACES ONLY. This will allow traffic to flow smoothly. If your party has more than 25 vehicles you MUST provide a parking attendant to ensure proper parking.
    18. ➤ In consideration of others wishing to use the building, cancellation of your event must be made two weeks prior to the date of your event or your deposit may be forfeited.
    19. ➤ We request that only Southern Baptist Churches use the facility for teaching scripture/preaching/worship experiences and that if your group is not Southern Baptist we request your compliance with this statement. If you are teacher the Scriptures in your event, please answer the speaker information questions (below).
    20. If these procedures are not followed your deposit will be forfeited and future use of the Columbus Baptist Association will be denied.
Will Your Event Have a Speaker to Teach the Scriptures or Lead Worship?
Will your event have anyone who is teaching scripture, preaching, or leading in worship experiences?

Confirmation & Payment

This amount must be paid BEFORE reservation is consider final and placed on the calendar.

These will be reviewed by the staff prior to the approval of the use of the building.

Terms of Rental
I agree to all of the Term & Conditions of reserving and using the facilities of the Columbus Baptist Association.
Clear Signature