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Pastor & Staff Retreat

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February 25-27, 2025 (Tuesday-Thursday)

Amidst tumultuous political, social, and generational divides in the 1960s, Bob Dylan’s protest ballad, The Times They are A-Changin’, became an anthem in American culture. Timeless, we could say, because its theme resonates today, even in church ministry.
The world we seek to reach with the gospel and the one in which we seek to minister is not the same world it was when most of us first got started. Admittedly, the church through which we seek to minister is not the same either. Everything is changing.
Change is inevitable. Someone said, The only thing steady and reliable in life is change.

 Whereas some embrace change, most people tend to resist change. We are comfortable with what we know; we are equally uncomfortable with the unknown. Some may even confess to hating change, longing for the good old days. There are two great problems with that line of thinking: first, the good old days probably weren’t actually as good as we like to remember them, and second, those days are gone and cannot come back.
We are called and challenged to work in a new era. We are called and challenged to reach this generation and then the next. God has gifted us with a grand opportunity set in a rapidly and continually evolving landscape.
That should not drive us toward fear. It’s not ugly nor unmanageable. There is beauty in change. Solomon said that God makes all things beautiful in its time. These times in which we live are magnificent times to be on mission.
The tip of a kaleidoscope is filled with broken shards of colored glass. With every turn, the light shining through the lens pierces those pieces creating stunning pictures of color. And with every turn, that which was is gone and a new just-as-lovely setting emerges.
You may not enjoy every twist and turn in life, but God is using every moment to craft something beautiful in you, and ultimately through you.
Change will be a part of your life. Change will be a part of your family. Change will be a part of your church and its ministry. Change is right now a part of our Association. I want you to see something beautiful in it. So, I invite you to participate in this year’s CBA Pastor/Staff Retreat, Kaleidoscope: The Beauty of Change. From February 25 to February 27, we will gather at the stunning Pinnacle Retreat Center in Clayton, Georgia, and study the life of Moses and how his lessons can impact our lives, our ministries, and our Association. There will be no cost to you; we want you to be refreshed and revived and ready to get back to the beautiful work to which God has called us.

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